Monthly Message from Our Loving Mother to All of Her Children

August 13, 2004


                “My little ones, today I tell all My dear children who I find in this place that My little one [Rosa] says I will speak through a locution, but she doesn’t know that the ways of God can’t be premeditated.  My Well Beloved wanted to surprise her so that she would be convinced that what your Celestial Father does is not coming from her mind or her will.  [Our Lady spoke directly through Rosa, not through a locution.]

                “Little ones, My little ones, I want each one of you to receive through the Divine Spirit of My Well Beloved the Blessings that He gives for your salvation.  Believing in a miracle without seeing it is true faith.  Remember that My Son, My Beautiful Son, Died on the Cross for each one of you, My little ones.  While He was on the Cross, He took upon Himself the sins of each one of you and when you accept that miracle within your hearts and believe, the Divine Blessing of the Celestial Father is fulfilled.

                “Always remember what I said before, that every moment that you are living now is a time bomb and that no one knows what you will suffer tomorrow.  It will not be exactly like what you are suffering today; it will be what you will suffer in the future.  If you truly pay attention to the Divine Message, you will be prepared to receive the Divine Graces that God has reserved for each one of His children.  He chooses His people.  He will come to each one of you and will repeat in your hearts the Call to the Path of Love and Light.  He will Call and you will recognize His Voice and you will no longer dwell in darkness, disobedience, stubbornness, ambition and egoism, and you will no longer believe in false prophets who give the wrong message and don’t let you return to the True Path of Love.

                “It is in the Church where the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar of the Well Beloved is found where each one of you will find truth, love, the Way, faith, hope and charity.

                “Dear children, My little ones, return to the Church.  It doesn’t matter if the priest, one of the shepherds that I left, confuses the True Message of My Well Beloved.  None of this matters; what matters is the intention each one of you has in your heart.

                “Confess, bend your knees before Him, and open your mouths to receive Holy Communion.  That is the Body of My Well Beloved.  He Died on the Cross so He could give each one of you the Gift of Love.

               “As I said, My little ones, the war is a time bomb.  When you least expect it, the bomb will explode and each one of you must be prepared in prayer.  Remember that no prophecy is fulfilled exactly when it is predicted.  None of you knows when it will happen.  You will only find peace in prayer, and prayer will prevent the prophecy from being fulfilled – only prayer, but true prayer prayed heart to heart with the Well Beloved.  Difficult moments are approaching for humanity.

                “Jesus gave My little creature a revelation* while she was visiting a sick person and the family of one of My little creatures who is here today and who now continually says, ‘Mother Mary, I love you.’  When you say to your Loving Mother that you love Her, you must know that I am there, listening to you.  For those who come here looking for proof, God gives answers, not proof.  God gave revelations through dreams and through chosen ones.

                “America is trembling because the malignant one, the antichrist, wants to take over the world.  The prayers of each one of you can prevent this from happening. 

“There is a country whose people will decide the true path, but they will destroy the truth with violence.  Blood will be shed, innocent blood that will call for justice from the world.  They will wallow in the blood like the other small country that is dominated by the antichrist, who is causing suffering to which the world is deaf, mute and blind.  The malignant one is among you.

                “Embrace the Cross and proclaim Jesus as the Only Savior of the World.  Embrace Mary, Who came with Him.  Your Loving Mother was the first Servant of Jesus and She was the first Temple on earth.

                “Call your Guardian Angels and they will come when you invoke them to come to your aid.  Pray that God will pardon all your sins.  Pray for the aborted children who are killed and for the young women who die at the hands of their own husbands.  Be alert, always have the light of hope and faith enkindled in your hearts and in your homes.  Walk in the Light and reject all that separates you from the holy Catholic Church.  Reject all who don’t love the image of your Loving Mother and the saints who died for you and for the faith.

                “Everyone who is here should go to the fountain that is at the feet of your Loving Mother.  Drink from that water and take it to your homes; you can apply it to the places where you have problems.  Your Loving Mother is there every time you touch it with your hands and apply it to where you have pain.  It is not you, My little ones, it is I, your Loving Mother, Who Touches you to Heal you.

                “Your Loving Mother is Crying for this world, whose human beings are so lacking in faith.  Pray for your children, for your neighbors and for peace around the whole world.  Return to Jesus through the Holy Sacrament of the Altar.  Go en masse to the Church and talk with Jesus heart to heart.  Light the Flame of the Divine Spirit within each one of you so your Loving Mother will listen and intercede for all the aberrations that you commit against Mother Nature and against humanity in this world.  Amen.

                “I love you and I bless you in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.”

                *Revelation:   When Rosa was in New York on July 24th, she had a vision of an enormous map of the U.S. and saw a gigantic ball that exploded in the center of the map that caused an enormous cloud of black smoke.  This smoke covered many states, but not Florida.  Rosa heard Jesus say, “Pray, My little child, pray.  Exhort men to pray constantly.  Prayer can change many prophecies.”  While Rosa was in New York, she drove around the city praying at several points, including St. Patrick’s Cathedral.

On August 13th, Rosa suddenly fell down in ecstasy and later said that she saw herself kneeling in front of the Throne of the Most High, begging Him for mercy and asking that He not Chastise the United States.  When Rosa came out of ecstasy, she cried profusely and was overwhelmed, because she says that the explosion she saw in the vision will be from a biological weapon and because some volunteers explained that Maria Esperanza, the visionary from Betania, Venezuela, had also prayed around New York City and that she had died a few days earlier.