Monthly Message from Our Loving Mother to All of Her Children
August 13, 2005


“My little ones, man continues with his search to conquer space, which only corresponds to God, instead of being preoccupied with the misery and hunger that exists today in the world.  The world is living in these moments, moments of crisis and you should appeal in your hearts to charity, charity for the poor, for those who are most in need.  The world is in need of love and comprehension, but if you take refuge in the Well Beloved, He will shelter you.

“Difficult moments are coming close and each one of you will be called to be brothers in faith.  Always remember to be brothers in faith towards your neighbors, your friends and that at any time you may be called to help and save other creatures.

“The world, the earthly globe, is in crisis and it is men, My little ones, who have brought devastation, destruction, pain and sicknesses to human beings.

“Today, man distributes the blood of human beings as if it was a spring of living water to save others, but you don’t know that the salvation of each one of you is in the blood lines of your own families.

“Do you know how many people pray so that a human organ will become available to save another person; how many people pray so that someone will die to save another?   Why don’t you turn to prayer, to a miracle?  Miracles exist, My little ones.  When you pray with all your hearts humbly before God and ask for forgiveness for your sins and for the sins of those who are ill, you will receive the answer that he will give in His own time.

“Pray, My little ones, in time and out of time.  Consecrate your loved ones and your communities so that God can work the miracle of bringing them home safely whenever they leave your homes.

“Before the end of this year of crisis for all, you will witness great events for humanity.

“Pray to your Celestial Father so He may forgive all those women who forget the gift of motherhood and leave their children in the hands of strangers.  Pray so that men, instead of cloning human beings, will clone organs to save humanity from the epidemics that are coming to the world.

“Pray for the children who have already been born and for those who are still to be born.  Pray for the children who are sexually abused and whose innocence is destroyed, some at the ages of 2 or 3 years old.  Do you believe that the Celestial Father will forgive the sexual aberrations that occur all over the world?  Remember, the blood of an innocent will always demand justice.

“Pray for the Holy Father, John Paul II, who is here with you.  My little one can see him as she sees all of you.  He wants his successors to accomplish everything that he left written for them to do.  Say within your hearts, ‘Thank you, Lord, because your Pope, who is in Heaven, has manifested himself in this place.’

“If you have faith, when you say to a mountain, ‘Move,’ it will be moved. 

“Jesus has blessed this water [she is referring to the fountain outside the house].  Everyone who drinks from it and puts the water on the places that need it, will receive healing, because it has been written to be this way.

“While My little creatures continue with the Rosary, My little servant will go in front of the fountain.   The sick should be brought to her so she can pour the water on them in the same way that John the Baptist did to Jesus and the sick persons of the antiquity.

“Remember that in the Old Testament a sign of blood was put on the doors of the believers of those times so that the Divine Punishment would pass over them and not touch them.  Do the same thing today, but not with blood, do it with the Cross of the Well Beloved, Who carried it for all of you.  Put a Crucifix on your doors to protect your homes from the angel of darkness.

“I bless all of you, My little ones.  Go to your churches.  Kneel before the Holy Sacrament of the Altar and place before His Body and His Blood all your aberrations, all your weaknesses and all your faults.

“You cannot believe in this place if you do not go to church, which is the Path that your Father left to you.  If you do not believe in that, you cannot believe in what is occurring in this place.

“I bless you in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.”