Monthly Message from Our Loving Mother to All of Her Children

May 13, 2005


            “My little ones, My little creatures, today is a special day for your Loving Mother.  I wanted to surprise each of you in this Mystery that is so beautiful, which is when My Well Beloved, My little ones, revealed Himself as He poured His Holy, Divine Spirit out on each of the apostles and on your Loving Mother.  This Mystery is very special, My little ones, because your Father revealed Himself through the Holy Spirit to man, to the first priests of the antiquity, those with whom He walked on the earth.

            “Today I bring a Message of Love for each one of you.  Open your hearts so that Jesus, with His Divine Spirit, can enter each of your hearts and dominate your souls, so you can come close to Him. 

            “Remember that your Loving Mother visits you in many places around the world and also in this small place to bring you the peace that all of you need in these times of denial and of evil among men.

            “Always remember that I told you that when the Spirit rejoices in a creature, He does it to heal the soul and body.  You can’t deny yourself from becoming reconciled with the Well Beloved.  Everyone needs to rejoice on the Path of Jesus during these times when so much evil exists, so much disobedience, so much pain, so many broken families, so many children who are abandoned by their own parents, so many children who are abused, assassinated, raped and kidnapped.

            “Do you know what is happening in the world in which you live?  I have always told you that until men turn their eyes back to God and believe in the miracles that God delivers in all parts of the world, no peace will come to this world that is convulsed, that is lacking in love, that denies the Church and denies the priests.

            “You have a very great mission, not only to pray for your loved ones, but also to pray for the whole world, which is full of ambition, evil and criminals who don’t receive the true punishment of the Divine Justice or of the justice of men.

            “You have to remember when Moses took the Jews out of Egypt to the Promised Land.  God poured His Justice out over all who disobeyed and didn’t want to comply with the Law that the Celestial Father had given to all men on earth.  The Law was written for all times, not only for the times of the antiquity. 

“God sends miracles through His Loving Son Jesus to all places in the world so that men will open their eyes and see the signs that occur through the Marian apparitions in all parts of the world.  But men don’t want to hear and they don’t want to open their eyes to see.

“During this year, each one of you will see how God will manifest His Justice in the world.  Each one of you will see how God will pour out His Divine Mercy on mankind and how He will also pour out His Divine Justice.

“Jesus Resurrected and through His Resurrection, He forgives all your sins and fulfills all that He promised.  ‘You kill My Body, but not My Soul,’ says Jesus.  He Resurrected to give you hope of resurrection.  Resurrect, My little ones, resurrect in love, in faith, in hope, in charity and to end the abuse of children, the elderly and the sick, who are left to die in the solitude of a nursing home or a hospital.

“Pray for America, which wallows in its own mud.  Europe must bend its knees and men must turn their eyes to God so that hope will return to this humanity that is full of corruption and ambition.

“I bless you, My little ones, in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.”